CRPF PrepMantra offers to personnel of the Central Reserve Polic Force, free subscription to our premium test-prep courses across, practice exams, assessments and online classes across multiple fields and levels of learning.   The registration process involves the following:-

  1. Provide a valid email address or a valid mobile number and click "Verify".
  2. You will receive a One-Time-Password (OTP) on email address or mobile number provided by you.
  3. In case you have provided an email address and you have not received the OTP, kindly check you spam folder, as our email may have been directed to that folder.
  4. Enter the OTP received by you, in the OTP box.
  5. Create a unique password, enter it in the Password box and click "Verify"
  6. On registration, you will be asked to select a course or register for an exam.
  7. You may select a course or register for an exam immediately, or when you login again.  To complete your course or exam registration
  8. A default city, based on your location will be displayed here. 
    You may change the city, if you so desire.
  9. Subscription charges
    Once you click on "Signup", you will be taken to the page where you will have to verify your association with CRPF, by providing a valid force regimental number.
  10. In the Service ID box, please provide your Force Regimental Number.
    1. Please note that multiple family members can be registered on a single Service ID.
    2. However, each family member will require a separate email address / mobile number, to register.


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